Mín líðan | Mín líðan

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About us

Mín líðan has been providing online psychological services since 2018, and only licensed psychologists work with the company. Mín líðan started by offering 10 lesson online programs where all communication with a psychologist takes place via written text. In 2019, Mín líðan started offering remote intervies, which are psychological interviews that take place via the internet. In 2022 the company added a 5 lesson online course for stress. Mín líðan was the first Icelandic telehealth service that got a license to operate from The Directorate of Health of Iceland.


Evidence-based and effective methods

At Mín líðan the emphasis is on improving people's mental health by using effective, evidence-based methods that are supported by research. Mín líðan's goal is to increase access to psychological services and to provide effective and favorable psychotherapy in terms of cost and time. In other countries, online psychotherapy is a popular treatment option, and it is important that Icelanders receive services in accordance with the latest technology.

Mín líðan allows more people to seek help and improbe their mental health. Please send us an email to minlidan@minlidan.is if you have any questions.


Grants and awards

The idea for Mín líðan came in 2015 and the website went live at the beginning of May 2018. To be able to build the company Mín líðan got various innovation grants. Mín líðan's employees are extremely grateful for the people that have believed in the project and supported it over the past few years.

June 2021

A grant from VIRK starfsendurhæfingasjóður (VIRK Vocational Rehabilitation Fund) to develop an online program for the symptoms of stress, using Mín líðan's web system.

May 2020

A marketing grant from Tækniþróunarsjóður (the Technology Development Fund) for companies in innovation. 

March 2019

Mín líðan received an award for it's web system in 2018 at the Icelandic web awards) given by the Samtök vefiðnaðarins (the Association of the Web Industry).

January 2018

A grant from Tækniþróunarsjóður (the Technology Development Fund) for young innovative companies and entrepreneurs.

September 2017

A grant from Velferðarráðuneytið (with the Ministry of Welfare) for a pilot project in online mental health services.

June 2017

A grant from Lýðheilsusjóður (the Public Health Fund) that promotes health promotion and prevention. Mín líðan received a grant to provide 20 high school students an online therapy, free of charge.

May 2016

A grant from Atvinnumál kvenna (the Women's Employment), intended for women who are working on a business idea or developing a project.

April 2016

A grant from Átak til atvinnusköpunar for innovatiton projects and marketing activities of active entrepreneurs and innovation companies.

They trust us

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